Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Professional Consultant Services | Greene Government Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Professional Consultant Services | Greene Government

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Professional Consultant Services

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Professional Consultant Services

County of Greene, New York
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Professional Consultant Services


Background and Description:

The County of Greene is seeking proposals to establish a roster of qualified consultants to provide assistance to the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Planning (GCEDTP) and other County Departments as may be designated.

The GCEDTP is a multi-disciplinary economic development, tourism and planning agency that implements a wide variety of programs and activities for community and economic development, planning, transportation, capital facility planning, and grant writing. 

GCEDTP administers the Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (Quantum Fund); the Business Retention and Expansion Program; the Microenterprise Assistance Program; the Main Street Revitalization Program; the Community Development Block Grant Program; the Buy in Greene/Invest In Greene Business Attraction Campaign; Capital Facility and Construction Management; Greene County Transit; and Multi-Media Services for Greene County for the Greene Government Website, including Paid and Social Media Advertising. 

GCEDTP is now accepting proposals from qualified firms in the multi-disciplinary areas of: planning, engineering, architecture, surveying, community development, economic development, environmental services, and media services


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