County of Greene, New York
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Professional Consultant Services
Background and Description:
The County of Greene is seeking proposals to establish a roster of qualified consultants to provide assistance to the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Planning (GCEDTP) and other County Departments as may be designated.
The GCEDTP is a multi-disciplinary economic development, tourism and planning agency that implements a wide variety of programs and activities for community and economic development, planning, transportation, capital facility planning, and grant writing.
GCEDTP administers the Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (Quantum Fund); the Business Retention and Expansion Program; the Microenterprise Assistance Program; the Main Street Revitalization Program; the Community Development Block Grant Program; the Buy in Greene/Invest In Greene Business Attraction Campaign; Capital Facility and Construction Management; Greene County Transit; and Multi-Media Services for Greene County for the Greene Government Website, including Paid and Social Media Advertising.
GCEDTP is now accepting proposals from qualified firms in the multi-disciplinary areas of: planning, engineering, architecture, surveying, community development, economic development, environmental services, and media services
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