The Greene County Jail is a new facility that is scheduled to be completed by end of 2020. The Greene County Jail is a 73,000 square feet two level building, with a detached 6,000 square foot single level maintenance building. The main building will be a mix of commercial level construction for the administrative space and detention level construction for the institutional space. The housing pods will have smoke evacuation systems to allow inmates to remain in place during a smoke event. The maintenance structure is a pre-engineered metal building used for maintenance and storage.
The intent of this Commissioning Project is to verify the successful completion, documentation and performance of the facility’s mechanical systems. Additionally, HVAC systems will be evaluated under emergency power conditions. Life safety smoke control system will be evaluated under the smoke conditions.
The proposal is to include, but not be limited to, all labor, material, tools, equipment, plant supplies, transportation, supervision, contributions, insurance, coordination with entities, and other services necessary for the performance of work for the project.
The systems to be commissioned will be focused on the following systems, and their integration with emergency power and life safety systems (Fire Alarm):
- HVAC systems, including building automation controls and graphics;
- Domestic water heater and distribution system;
- Lighting controls;
- Smoke Control system;
- Emergency Power Generator system.
The Commissioning Agent (CA) will verify completion of start-up and close activities for the equipment systems listed above., Testing, adjusting and balancing of these systems as well as operation of systems under building management control will be verified. The CA will not necessarily witness and be present for milestones related to every system listed; however, the CA will review documentation for each system. The Owner will be provided with systems that operate in accordance with the design intent and owner requirements.
Section 019113, Commissioning Requirements, as issued for the construction of the Greene County Jail are attached to and are herein made part of this Request for Proposals.
The Greene County Commissioning RFP may be accessed via the Greene County website https://www.greenegovernment.com/. Any and all questions of scope and/or technical nature should be directed via e-mail to SMRT, the Project Architect, attention William Carney (wcarney@smrtinc.com). Questions must be provided in writing. Proposals are to be submitted on the Bid Form provided. Proposals must be received no later than Friday, March 6, 2020, 4:30 PM and will be opened privately. Late bids will not be accepted. Bids are to be emailed to: William Carney (wcarney@smrtinc.com). Greene County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part.