Catskill, NY – Greene County Solid Waste Management (GCSWM) is investing in the sustainable management of food waste through a launch of a pilot program, Help Greene Grow Green, to reduce waste going to landfills. This program will initially be available at the Catskill transfer station only but open to all residents of Greene County. Depending upon the demand, other county transfer stations may be added to the program. Currently, GCSWM is taking advantage of a grant application through the Department of Environmental Conservation for 50% reimbursement of the purchase of a food waste composting machine and special compostable bags.
Help Greene Grow Green seeks to reduce food waste and the impact it has on our environment. Greene County Solid Waste Management has purchased the EcoRich machine to turn food waste into finished compost. This machine, which is easy to use and odor and pest-free, will help reduce food waste. Once each cycle of material is broken down compost will be made available. Residents are encouraged to bring a bucket from home and get some for your own personal use!
As part of the program residents will be provided FREE 100% compostable bags to store and transport their food waste to the Catskill Transfer station at no charge. Bags can be picked up at the Catskill Transfer Station, 183 NY-385 in Catskill on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The bags can also be picked up as early as April 4th and residents can drop off the bags for composting on April 25, 2022. The date to pick-up the compost will depend on availability / demand of the program. Don’t have a container to help store and transport your food waste? Purchase a compost countertop bin for $5 at the Catskill Transfer Station.
“The Legislature is committed to reducing the amount of waste being shipped out of Greene County,” stated Vice-Chairman Matthew Luvera. “This new composting machine will do just that for residents and in the next phase for businesses.”
“We are excited to provide solutions to not only help the environment but reduce the amount of money we pay to send garbage out of county to a landfill,” stated Paul Vosburgh, Director of Solid Waste. “This will also provide a way to give back to the community through the use of composting for home gardening.”