If you’ve purchased a new home in Greene County this year, it’s time to register for your STAR credit. New STAR applicants receive a credit in the form of a check directly from New York State instead of receiving a school property tax exemption. The amount of your STAR benefit is the same regardless of how you receive it. New Basic and Enhanced STAR applicants must register with the New York State Tax Department to receive a STAR check.
Register anytime at www.tax.ny.gov/star – it just takes a few minutes.
Register by July 1 to receive your check in September. If you register after July 1, you’ll receive your check at a later date.
Property owners without access to a computer can register by phone weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm (518-457-2036).
You can view the program overview instructions by clicking here, and find complete information on New York State tax programs at www.tax.ny.gov