The Greene County Department of Public Health is providing Free HIV Testing for walk-ins throughout the month of December in conjunction with World AIDS Awareness month.
The latest statistics from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) show that 1 in 2 people with HIV has had the virus at least three years before diagnosis. One in Four has been living with HIV for 7 years or more. About 40% of new HIV infections come from people who don’t know they are infected.
Many People Have HIV for Years Before They Know It.
Half of Heterosexual Men with HIV got a diagnosis 5 or More years after getting the Virus. Seven in every Ten people at high risk for HIV who weren’t tested in the last year actually saw a healthcare provider during that time…More than 75% of them weren’t offered a test.
It is important for everyone to know their HIV status. Getting an HIV test is the first step for people living with HIV to get care and treatment and control the infection. Taking HIV medications as prescribed helps people living with HIV to live a long, healthy life and protect their partners from infection. About 85% of people with HIV in the US know they have the virus. However, 15% (162,500) of people don’t know they have it, and about 40% of new infections come from them.
It’s Extremely Important to Know Your Status – and During December it’s Easy & Free.
Walk-ins are welcome at the Greene County Public Health offices on the 3rd Floor of the County Building at 411 Main Street in Catskill, NY.
The test is a simple ‘finger-prick’ and the results are available in 20 minutes.
Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
While appointments for testing are not required during the month of December, you can call 518-719-3600 to schedule a time. You can also send email to publichealth@discovergreene.com
You can also Find affordable transportation from Greene County Transit and view schedules and routes here.