For a third successful year it is anticipated that there will be no property tax increase and again Greene County will hold the line and not exceed the NYS Property Tax Cap Legislation. Greene County Administrator, Shaun S. Groden, will provide a summary of the 2022 Tentative Budget at the public hearing.
Greene County is holding a Special Meeting of the Finance Committee and a Special Meeting of the Greene County Legislature on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:00pm in the Greene County Office Building in Catskill for the purposes of releasing the 2022 tentative budget, providing the annual budget message, and setting the public hearing.
The public hearing on the 2022 Tentative Budget will be held on October 27, 2021 at 6:00pm in the Catskill High School Auditorium. The public is invited and encouraged to attend and will be provided an opportunity to make comment to the Greene County Legislature.
The 2022 Tentative Budget will be available to review on the Greene County website on October 12, 2021.