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The Scoop
News Releases from Greene County

Notice to Bidders – Travel Guide

Addendum to Information for Bidders Due to the Greene County Offices being closed on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 for Election Day, all bids for the 2024 Greene County Travel Guide must be received at the office of the Clerk of

Posted in RFPs, RFQs, and Bidder Information

Greene County Prevails with State of Emergency Declaration

On May 17, 2023 the Greene County Legislature declared a State of Emergency due to failed Federal Policy(ies) together with New York City’s mismanagement and/or underestimation of the impact of inviting persons without means to the city, resulting in New

Posted in Legislative Actions

Greene County Urges Governor Not to Provide Controversial Tax Credits

Resolution No. 259-23 Resolution In Opposition To Senate Bill S6637 Regarding Amending Section 606 Of The Tax Law WHEREAS, Senate Bill S6637 has been introduced in the New York State Senate which is an act to amend Section 606 of

Posted in Legislative Actions

Greene County Defends Local Justices from State Regulation

Resolution No. 260-23 Resolution In Opposition To New York State Senate Bill S139B & New York State Assembly Bill A1358B An Act To Amend The Uniform Justice Court Act, The Town Law And The Village Law, In Relation To Requiring

Posted in Legislative Actions

Legislative Local Law Number 4 of 2023 – Amendment of Local Law Number 1 of 2021

Posted in Legal Notices

Greene County Opposes Unnecessary Changes to Voting Schedule

Resolution No. 254-23 Resolution Urging The Governor To Veto A.4282B/S.3505B To Move Certain Local Elections To Even-Numbered Years WHEREAS, the Greene County Legislature believes that increasing participation in the election process and reducing costs of government operations is good for

Posted in Legislative Actions

Resolution # 203-23 – Approving Standard Workday for Elected & Appointed Officials for Retirement Purposes

Posted in Legal Notices

Estoppel Notice

Posted in Legal Notices

Legislative Local Law Number 3 of 2023 – Superseding the Public Officers Law as to the Residency of Certain Public Officers in Greene County

Posted in Legal Notices

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

On or about June 26, 2023 the County of Greene will submit a request to the Office of Community Renewal for the release of CDBG funds under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended,

Posted in Legal Notices