STD Testing
- Walk-ins are welcomed daily based on availability
- Our hours are:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am – 6:30pm
- Call 518-719-3580 to make an appointment
What is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?

Walk in STD testing
- An infection you can get by having sexual contact with someone who is infected.
- This can be vaginal, oral or anal sex, although other types of touching can pass some STIs – for example, some STIs (such as Herpes and HPV) can be spread from person to person by touching the infected areas of someone’s body and then touching your own genitals (private parts).
- If a person has a sexually transmitted infection they may have no symptoms and not know they have the infection, but they can still spread the infection to others.
- There are many different STIs and all may have serious consequences if left untreated.
Did you know?
- One in four sexually active teen girls will acquire an STI
- One of every four Americans over 18 have been exposed to Herpes
- Chlamydia is the number one bacterial infection in sexually active teens
Greene County Family Planning offers testing and treatment for:
- Chlamydia
- Trichomoniasis
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Herpes
- Human Papilloma Virus – HPV (the virus that can cause genital warts as well as cervical, vulvar, anal, penile and oral cancer)
We also test and treat vaginitis caused by yeast or bacterial organisms. We offer the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, to women age 18 to 26 and to those 17 and under who have signed parental permission.
We also offer HIV testing. Learn more about HIV testing >
HIV and other STD testing is confidential but we must comply with New York State reporting requirements.
Call 518-719-3580, or stop by if you are interested in having testing for HIV or other sexually transmitted infections. Free condoms are available without an appointment.
HIV Testing
**We will be offering Free HIV Testing for walk-ins throughout the month of December in conjunction with World AIDS Awareness month. **
Greene County Family Planning offers HIV counseling, testing and local resources for those living with HIV/AIDS, as well as providing gynecological care and family planning services to women living with HIV. Call 518-719-3580 to make an appointment.
We also provide sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment for both men and women who are HIV positive. Referrals to HIV medical specialists are made when necessary.
To learn more about HIV/AIDS click here.

Finger Prick Testing is Available
Greene County Family Planning offers both confidential and anonymous testing! Greene County Family Planning offers standard blood testing with a finger prick. You find out your test results before you leave.
To learn more about testing, click here
Resources for persons with HIV/AIDS and for those who care about them!
Local Resources:
- Albany office of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH): 518-473-8600
- Regional Partner Notification Assistance Program – NYSDOH: 518-402-7411
- NYS Insurance Department: 1-800-342-3736
- NYS Division of Human Rights (discrimination issues): 1-800-523-2437
- NYSDOH AIDS Institute HIV Uninsured Program:
For info about AIDS Drug Assistance Program 1-800-542-2437.
HIV Counseling Hotline (referral to counseling and testing sites in NYS, to Partner Notification Assistance Programs and questions about HIV breach of confidentiality): 1-800-962-5065.
- AIDS Services of Catholic Charities: 518-449-3581
- AIDS Council of Northeastern NY: 1-800-660-6886 / 518-434-4686:
Education Hotline – 518-445-2437.
Hudson Office 518-828-3624 / staffed part time.
- Albany Medical Center AIDS Program:
Including mental health services / phone is answered “Drs. Offices” Albany Program – 262-4043 / Kingston Program – 845-339-6755
- Whitney M. Young Health, Jr. Health Center, Inc.:
Comprehensive HIV Evaluation and Empowerment Resource 518-463-6824 – phone is answered “Cheer Program”.
- AIDS Related Community Services: 1-800-992-1442 (Serving Ulster, Dutchess, Sullican, Orange, Rockland and Westchester).
- Eddy AIDS Care Team: 518-270-1355 – phone is answered “Care Team”.
- Community Hospice of Columbia/Greene: 518-943-5402
- Greene County Department of Social Services: 518-719-3700.
- Greene County Public Health Department (immunization clinics, etc.): 518-719-3600
- Greene County Family Planning: 518-719-3580
HIV counseling and testing, STD testing and treatment and reproductive health care (exams, pap tests, breast exams, birth control, and more).
- Greene County Human Services (Aging and Youth): 518-719-3555
- Greene County Mental Health: 518-622-9163
- Community Action of Greene County (food pantries, clothing closet, transportation, etc.): 518-943-9205
- Veterans Service Agency: 518-943-3703
- Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene (counseling services): 518-943-2036
HIV Referral List
Albany Medical College
Division of HIV Medicine
47 New Scotland Ave- mailing address
66 Hackett Blvd.
Albany, NY 12208
518-262-4439 general info
518-262-4043 appointments (Phone is answered Drs. Offices)
Mid- Hudson Care Center/ program of Albany Medical Center
142 Aaron Ct.
Kingston, NY 12401
Whitney Young Jr. Health Center
Lark- Arbor Drive
Albany, NY 12208
518-463-6824/phone is answered Cheer Program/Comprehensive HIV Evaluation and Empowerment Resource
AIDS Related Community Services
(Serves Orange, Ulster, Sullivan, Putnam, Rockland, Westchester)
AIDS Council Of Northeastern NY
Albany office- 1-800- 660- 6886/ 518-434-4686
Hudson office- 828-3624
education hotline – 518-445-2437
AIDS Services of Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene Counties
828-8660 or 449- 3581