Registered Sex Offenders | Greene Government Registered Sex Offenders | Greene Government

Registered Sex Offenders

Offender Watch

OffenderWatch is the nation’s leading sex offender registry and community notification solution. It helps local, state and federal agencies across the country and collaborate on offender records and know immediately when offenders are moving into their jurisdictions. OffenderWatch makes it seamless for agencies to register offenders, verify their addresses, update critical information, collaborate on investigations and alert the public.

  • Currently, there are more than 800,000 offenders in the OffenderWatch network.
  • OffenderWatch sends over 20,000 offender relocation notices to agencies each year.
  • Over 100 million residents with children under 18 are covered under the network.

Offender Watch: Get the App   Search Registered Sex Offenders in Greene County

Please use the link we have provided to the Division of Criminal Justice Services to search & view level 2 & 3 sex offenders. We also recommend you sign up for the email alerts service provided by the Division of Criminal Justice Services which will inform you of sex offender movement within your requested zip codes.

Get alerts on sex offenders with Offender Watch

The OffenderWatch App

  • OffenderWatch also offers the OffenderWatch App, an app for parents in the community to monitor their children’s phones that looks at data and matches it up to their comprehensive sex offender database.
  • The one-of-a-kind app will follow a child’s location and notify the parent if they’re in or near an offender’s house for a significant period of time. The app also alerts parents to any communication from registered sex offenders through email, text, or Snapchat.
  • It takes about 15 minutes to set up but it’s worth it for the safety of a child.

Sex Offender Management

If you have questions, concerns or information regarding sex offenders in Greene County please contact Investigator O’Connor @ 518-943-3300 ext 513 or 518-819-1258 or email: