Purchasing | Greene Government Purchasing | Greene Government


Greene County Purchasing Department
411 Main Street
Catskill NY, 12414

T. 518-719-3270
F. 518-719-3793
E. purchasing@discovergreene.com

Purchasing at Greene County is based on integrity, ethics and moral actions.

The duty to the taxpayers is to obtain goods and services at the right price, the right quality, the right time and the right quantity. We realize that low price is not always best and attempt to develop our specifications around this philosophy.

Greene County Purchasing is responsible for initiating and maintaining effective and professional relationships with vendors and the various County Department employees, and to serve as the channel through which requests for County purchases and price quotations are handled. Our objective is to obtain the best quality products and services for the best price, in a fair open and competitive manner.

With the exception of holidays, our offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and are located at the Greene County Office Building, 411 Main Street, Catskill, New York.