In case of an Emergency DIAL 911
The Greene County 911 Center is responsible for handling ALL 911 calls either by hard line or cell. The911 Center is staffed 24 hours a day by full time, and part time Dispatchers. The 911 center, which is in the same building as the Department of Emergency Services, is supervised by 911 Communication Director James Di Perna.
In addition to the Department of Emergency Services, the 911 Center provides Fire, Police and EMS communication services to 27 Fire Departments, 14 EMS agencies, 9 Police Agencies and 2 County specialized teams (Haz-Mat and Fire Investigations). The Greene County 911 Center does all emergency police dispatching for Greene County.
The 911 Center can also communicate with and provide communication services for city, state and federal agencies including NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control, NYS EMS, NYS ENCON, NYC DEP, NYS Parole, NYS Park Police.The 911 Center also handles ALL after-hour emergency and non-emergency dispatching for, Greene County Dept. of Social Services Greene County Mental Health Greene County Highway Department.