Catskill, NY – Greene County Solid Waste Management (GCSWM) is investing in the sustainable management of food waste through a launch of a pilot program, Help Greene Grow Green, to reduce waste going to landfills. This program will initially be…
Catskill, NY – Greene County Solid Waste Management (GCSWM) is investing in the sustainable management of food waste through a launch of a pilot program, Help Greene Grow Green, to reduce waste going to landfills. This program will initially be…
The Greene County Legislature unanimously adapted Local Law 1 of 2021, which permits 12- and 13-year-olds to hunt deer with a firearm or crossbow. This legislation was part of the NYS 2021-2022 budget, with each county given the option of…
The Greene County Legislature proclaims May as Greene County Older Americans Month and takes this annual opportunity to express appreciation for the commitment and valued service of outstanding Senior Citizens. In conjunction with this, the Advisory Council to the Greene…
Ribbon-cutting was held for the new Greene County Emergency Medical System’s substation in the town of Hunter, last weekend, hosted by GCEMS president Mark Evans (with ceremonial scissors). Assemblyman Chris Tague (blue jacket, to Evan’s right) was guest speaker for…
There are less than two weeks until the closing date of the 2020 US Census, and the time is now to do our best to have all Greene County residents to complete it. Greene County benefits the most when the…
The Greene County Department of Emergency Services announced today that CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) to CAD Interoperability from Tyler Technologies, Inc. between Greene County and Ulster County Emergency Services has been officially implemented. This enhancement to the Tyler Enterprise CAD…
Greene County Transit has introduced 2 new mid-day runs to Route 711 Teal departing from Catskill and making stops for passengers around the village before crossing the Rip Van Winkle Bridge en route to Columbia-Greene Community College, Columbia Memorial Health,…
Greene County took on a massive communications center renovation in early 2017 in order to provide better and more efficient service. Besides upgrading the county’s telephone service and investing in a brand new CAD technology, the agency also set out…