On Wednesday, June 15th, Chairman Patrick S. Linger and the Greene County Legislature named the winners of both the ‘Employee of the Year’ and ‘Chairman’s Award’
Chairman Patrick S. Linger presented the honor of ‘Employee of the Year’ to the Greene County Fraud Investigators Team.
Co-Winners are: Helen Weed – Resource Consultant, Maureen Grupe – Examiner, and Rick Jacobs & David Cole – Investigators
Read more about the work of the winners
Chairman’s Award Honors went to Deputy Kristopher Danko of the Greene County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Danko with colleagues outside the Frank P. Stabile Legislative Chambers
Pictured Left to Right: Deputy Charles Cole II., Lieutenant Andrew Overbaugh, Sergeant Robert Gurley, Deputy Danko, Investigator Joel Rowell, Captain Tracy Quinn, Sheriff Pete Kusminsky, & Under Sheriff Adam Brainard