Greene County Youth Fair to Receive Critical Infrastructure Improvement Funds from NYS | Greene Government Greene County Youth Fair to Receive Critical Infrastructure Improvement Funds from NYS | Greene Government

Greene County Youth Fair to Receive Critical Infrastructure Improvement Funds from NYS

Greene County Youth Fair to Receive Critical Infrastructure Improvement Funds from NYS

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday 56 county and youth fairs across the state, including the Greene County Youth Fair, would each receive $89,285 to offset the cost of improvement and renovation projects, including new construction.greene county ny 2016 youth fair

It has been nearly a decade since local fairs in New York state have received critical infrastructure improvement funds.

The nearly $5 million will be awarded through the Agricultural Fairgrounds Infrastructure Improvement Program.

To receive the funding, fairs must submit the scope of work and estimated budget for proposed projects to the state Department of Agriculture and Markets, which is administering the program, according to a press release from the governor’s office. The funding can be used to build, repair, replace, acquire or install fairground buildings, facilities or equipment that are used to house or promote agriculture.

“We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to apply for funding,” Greene County Agricultural Society President Alex Johnk said. “At this time, our directors are working to determine the best ways to allocate any available money.

“As one of very few fairs across the country that still offers free admission and entertainment, we rely on generous support from donors as well as the Greene County Legislature to operate,” he said. “Any support we receive helps in our mission to highlight the importance of agriculture and honor local kids who keep the legacy alive. This particular grant is a huge opportunity for us and Greene County.”

The Greene County Youth Fair will celebrate 63 years July 27-30 at Angelo Canna Town Park in Cairo. To find out what the fair will offer this year, visit

Once projects are approved, a contract will be developed and completed through the New York State Grants Gateway, according to the press release. Projects must be finished and the funds spent by March 31, 2021. Any money remaining after this date will be divided equally among the awardees who can submit plans for additional projects.

“These investments will help these fairs attract more visitors, raise the profile of local vendors and businesses and help spur economic growth across New York,” Cuomo said in the release.

Adapted from a story by Karrie Allen from Columbia-Greene Media on Saturday, February 4th, 2017, the article is no longer available online.

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