Nutrition Program | Greene Government Nutrition Program | Greene Government

Nutrition Program

Meals, Education, Counseling, and Special Presentations

Adequate nutrition plays a central role in keeping us healthy. Many older Americans are not eating well. Those who live alone may find cooking too much trouble. Some may have difficulty getting to the grocery store. Others simply cannot afford to buy the kinds of food that could keep them healthy.

The Greene County Department of Human Services’ Aging Department provides nutritious meals for seniors 60 years of age and older.

Homebound clients can have their meals delivered directly to their house. Other area seniors who are looking for social interaction (and are able to travel) can visit one of our senior service sites for a Congregate Meal.

We serve meals that are designed to meet one third of the daily requirements for good health.

Home-Delivered Meals

Home-Delivered Meals Notice

Sometimes you may need meals for a short time because you just got out of a hospital and can’t make meals until you recover. Or, you may need meals for a longer time because you can’t do many of the things you did for yourself before. For Greene County residents age 60 and older who can’t prepare meals for themselves, we bring healthy, nutritious, balanced meals to their residence, up to five days a week. Those who receive meals are also given up-to-date information about healthy eating, wellness and healthy habits. Our registered dietitian can help any older person with questions about diabetes, weight loss or gain and healthy eating in private nutrition counseling.

Who is Eligible?

Greene County residents age 60 and older. A referral can be made by a senior or anyone who feels that the meals may be beneficial to a senior. Simply call the department and ask to make a referral for home-delivered meals.

How Do You Get Meals Started?

After we take your referral, a Case Manager will contact the senior and make an appointment to conduct a home visit. As part of the visit, an assessment will be completed that shows you are not able to prepare meals for yourself and don’t have help from friends or family. It will also note any diet restrictions, as our meals can meet low-sodium and diabetic requirements. The same client interview that helps find out if you are eligible for home delivered meals will show other helpful services and programs we offer for older people. Once the assessment is completed, meals may be started. If there are no openings at the time of the referral, the senior is placed on a wait list. As soon as an opening is available and the assessment is completed, meals can be started.

What Does It Cost?

There is no charge for meals, but each person is given a chance to make a suggested voluntary contribution. All donations help to keep our program available and serve more people. Donations can be directly mailed to the Department or can also be given to the volunteer who delivers the meal and they will see that it gets to the office.

What If I Know I Won’t Be Home When My Meal is Delivered?

Volunteers assist in delivering the meals Monday through Friday (except holidays) throughout Greene County. If you are unable to be home to receive your meal, please call the office at (518) 719-3555 to cancel your meal for that day.

Congregate Services

Each senior service center serves a hot noon-time lunch, Monday – Friday.
All meals include:
Hot Entrée Vegetable &/or Fruit Dessert Bread & butter Low fat milk, Coffee & Tea
We ask that you call at least one day ahead to make sure you will be included in the lunch count.
A suggested contribution is asked for each meal; however no one shall be denied due to the inability or unwillingness to contribute.

Transportation for those who need help getting to a meal location may be available.

Senior Service Centers

Greene County Department of Human Services’ operates the Rivertown Senior Center in Athens, as well as four senior service centers throughout the county:

Rivertown Senior Center
39 Second Street, Athens
(518) 945-2700

Athens Snior Center

Acra Senior Center

Acra Senior Service Center
Acra Community Center,
Old Route 23B, Acra
(518) 622-9898

Catskill Senior Service Center
Robert C. Antonelli Senior Center
15 Academy Street, Catskill
(518) 943-1343

Catskill Senior Center

Coxsackie Senior Center

Coxsackie Senior Service Center
Town of Coxsackie Senior Center
Mansion Street, Coxsackie
(518) 731-8901

Jewett Senior Service Center
Jewett Municipal Building
Route 23C, Jewett
(518) 263-4392

Jewett Senior Center

How We Use Registration Information

Federal, state and local funding is used to help pay for the meal program. In turn, we are asked to collect certain information FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information when registering for meals that you provide can only improve services offered and has nothing to do with the level of services you receive; however, lack of responses could affect our funding sources. Also, current information is beneficial in the event you experience an emergency while at the center.


Greene County Department of Human Services drivers will transport seniors, without a means of personal transportation, to enjoy the noontime meal. At the present time, this service is only available to seniors who reside in the Catskill/Athens (valley) area or the Jewett (mountaintop) area.

Nutrition, Education, Counseling, and Special Presentations

In addition to special congregate functions, like BBQs, brunches and holiday meals, the nutrition department sponsors nutrition education and counseling with a registered dietitian, as well as additional presentations and events.

This education provides up to date information about healthy foods and balanced diets. As a bonus, we offer nutrition presentations periodically at all of our sites.

Nutrition Counseling

Our registered dietitian offers nutrition counseling about healthy eating, wellness and healthy habits to those with questions about nutrition; special diets such as for diabetics; weight control and healthy eating. You don’t need to get meals to meet with the dietitian.

Any senior wishing information is encouraged to call and ask for the registered dietitian.

Farmers’ Market Checks

Each summer (July/August), the New York State Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) provides a booklet containing twenty dollars (5/$4) worth of checks to low-income Greene County senior citizens through the Senior Nutrition Program. They can be redeemed at any NYS Participating Farmers Market. To receive a booklet, applicants must certify to meeting eligibility requirements.

Special Events

At times, we will host special programs at our nutrition sites. These will include driver safety,
exercise classes, “Medicare Minute” with questions pertaining to Medicare, flu clinics, and
informational sessions on topics relevant to all.

Contact Info
Department of Human Services
t. 518-719-3555
f. 518-719-3798
Amanda Lyons
Executive Director